
Journal of Design Studio is a peer reviewed e-journal published two issues per year:July and December. Journal of Design Studio is a free open access electronic journal.There is no submission, processing, publishing charge.The journal aims to publish scientific articles based on design studio education of different disciplines, especially in architecture, interior design, urban design, industrial design, communication design, graphic design, fashion design and all other design disciplines. In addition to publication of scientific papers, the journal may include good studio practices and book reviews in the field. 


Acar IndexAcademindexAceessOnASCIASOS Index, Base (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), CrossrefDimensions, EAAE ArchitecturaPeriodicals DatabaseEuroPubGoogleScholar,  Ideal online, Index Copernicus, NAVER AcademicOpenAIRE, OUCI ( The Open Ukrainian Citation Index), Paperity, ROAD (Directory of  Open Access Scholarly Resources), SciLit , Scite_ , Wizdom WorldCat, World Catalogue of Scientific Journals

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.  


The articles published in Journal of Design Studio had been similarity checked by Turnitin. 


Journal of Design Studio call for research papers on studios in all disciplines. Please submit your article by using Dergipark online submission system.