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Simulakr Besinler

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 123 - 137, 26.12.2023


Doğal olandan uzun süre önce kopulduğu için doğal ve gerçek olan artık neredeyse bilinmemektedir. Baudrillard buna “simulakra” demektedir. Beslenmenin ve besinlerin özellikle 20. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında başına gelen de budur: bir simulakrum evrenine kapanmış, Baudrillard’ın ifadesiyle “gönderenden yoksun bir gösterge” haline gelmişlerdir. Modernleşmeyle beraber yaşanan meta fetişizmi ve yabancılaşma, insan pratiklerinin neredeyse tamamına sirayet etmiştir. Bu olguyu hızlandıran iki olgu, 20. Yüzyılın başlarından itibaren yaşam döngüsünün içine giren reklamcılık ve sonrasında ikinci yarısından itibaren gelişen bilgisayar teknolojileridir. Sanayileşme nedeniyle toprağın, iklimin olumsuz etkilenişi ve şehirleşme oranının artması da simulakr besinlerin yayılmasında etkili olmuştur. Pek çok açıdan statükoyu koruyan bir ideolojik aygıt olan “aile”, beslenmede görülen bu değişimin önünde görece bir engel teşkil etse de özellikle neo-liberal politikalarla düzenlenen yeni ekonomide bireyin yükselişi ve tüm zincirlerinden kopması besin tüketiminin yapısını da değiştirmiştir. Bu çalışmada simulakr besinler, gıda endüstrisi, tüketiciler ve gıdanın evrimi perspektiflerinden ele alınmaktadır.


  • Archer, E. (2018). In defense of sugar: A critique of diet-centrism. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, 61(1), 10-19.
  • Aydın, A. (2013). 7’den 70’e taş devri diyeti: Hastalıklara karşı korunma kalkanı. Hayykitap.
  • Baudrillard, J. (2005). Anahtar sözcükler (O. Adanır & L. Yıldırım, Çev.). Paragraf Yayınevi.
  • Baudrillard, J. (2008). Tüketim toplumu (H. Deliceçaylı & F. Keskin, Çev.; 6. basım). Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Baudrillard, J. (2011). Simulakrlar ve simulasyon (O. Adanır, Çev.; 4.basım). Doğu-Batı Yayınları.
  • Baudrillard, J. (2020). Nesneler sistemi. Doğu Batı.
  • Beck, U. (1992). Risk society: Towards a new modernity. Sage Publications.
  • Beck, U., Giddens, A., & Lash, S. (1994). Reflexive modernization: Politics, tradition and aesthetics in the modern social order. Stanford University Press.
  • Bonciu, E. (2022). Trends in the evolution of organic agriculture at the global level—A brief review.
  • Scientific Papers: Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture & Rural Development, 22(3), 81-86.
  • Brondoni, S. M. (2016). Global tourism management. Mass, experience and sensations tourism. Symphonya. Emerging Issues in Management, 1, 7-24.
  • Bui, H. (2019, Mayıs 8). The myth of breakfast – Baron News.
  • Bush, R. (2010). Food riots: Poverty, power and Protest. Journal of Agrarian Change, 10(1), 119-129.
  • Canan, S. (2022). İFA: İnsanın fabrika ayarları. Tuti Kitap.
  • Cappellini, B., & Parsons, E. (2012). Sharing the meal: Food consumption and family identity. Içinde R. W. Belk, S. Askegaard, & L. Scott (Ed.), Research in Consumer Behavior (C. 14, ss. 109- 128). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 2111(2012)0000014010
  • Carafoli, J. F. (2003). Tempting the palate: The food stylist’s art. Gastronomica, 3(2), 94-97.
  • Chossudovsky, M., & Marshall, A. G. (Ed.). (2010). The global economic crisis: The Great Depression of the XXI century (1st ed). Global Research Publ.
  • Çarpar, M. C. (2019). Vücut geliştitme ve erkeklik kimliği: Sosyolojik bir yaklaşım [Yüksek Lisans Tezi]. Anadolu Üniversitesi.
  • Davison, K., D’Andreamatteo, C., Markham, S., Holloway, C., Marshall, G., & Smye, V. (2019). Food security in the context of paternal incarceration: Family impact perspectives. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(5), 776.
  • Deleuze, G. (2023). İktidar: Foucault üzerine dersler (S. Özer & M. Çelik, Çev.). Otonom.
  • Dighikar, V., & Singh, S. (2021). Review on health impact of fast food on younger children. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 172-177.
  • Esteves, J. P. M. (2018). Pfizer & Wyeth: Acquiring to survive, rather than to grow. NOVA – School of Business and Economics.
  • Ettinger, J. (2022, Aralık 8). Swiss court sides with planted foods on use of “meaty” labeling terminology. Green Queen. terminology/
  • Faris, J. D. (2014). Wheat domestication: Key to agricultural revolutions past and future. Içinde R. Tuberosa, A. Graner, & E. Frison (Ed.), Genomics of Plant Genetic Resources (ss. 439-464). Springer Netherlands.
  • Fedrigo, O., Pfefferle, A. D., Babbitt, C. C., Haygood, R., Wall, C. E., & Wray, G. A. (2011). A potential role for glucose transporters in the evolution of human brain size. Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 78(4), 315-326.
  • Ferreira, H., Vasconcelos, M., Gil, A. M., & Pinto, E. (2021). Benefits of pulse consumption on metabolism and health: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 61(1), 85-96.
  • Fox Kales, E. (2003). Body double as body politic: Psychosocial myth and cultural binary in Fatal Attraction. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 84(6), 1631-1637.
  • Gandhi, M. (2023). Gandhi: Bir özyaşam öyküsü: Hakikatin peşinde başımdan geçenler (V. Günyol, Çev.). Simurg.
  • Garine, I. de, & Garine, V. de (Ed.). (2001). Drinking: Anthropological approaches. Berghahn Books.
  • Gürel, K. T. (2008, Eylül 5). Postmodern ahlak ve evlilik. Karaburun Bilim Kongresi.
  • Hall, S. M. (2011). Exploring the ‘ethical everyday’: An ethnography of the ethics of family consumption. Geoforum, 42(6), 627-637.
  • Hawkes, J. G., & Francisco-Ortega, J. (1993). The early history of the potato in Europe. Euphytica, 70(1-2), 1-7.
  • Hobbs, M., Green, M., Roberts, K., Griffiths, C., & McKenna, J. (2019). Reconsidering the relationship between fast-food outlets, area-level deprivation, diet quality and body mass index: An exploratory structural equation modelling approach. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 73(9), 861-866.
  • Hobsbawm, E. J. (2020). Kısa 20. Yüzyıl: 1914-1991 aşırılıklar çağı (Y. Alogan, Çev.). Everest.
  • Hürriyet. (2006a). Kolesterol düşürme iddiası yoğurt, süt ve margarine girdi | Genel Haberler. margarine-girdi_ID570821/
  • Hürriyet. (2006b, Ekim 27). ’Kolesterolü düşürür, kalbini düşün’ reklamına ’dur’ dediler | Genel Haberler | Bigpara. kolesterolu-dusurur-kalbini-dusun-reklamina-dur-dediler_ID581429/
  • Jia, P., Luo, M., Li, Y., Zheng, J., Xiao, Q., & Luo, J. (2021). Fast‐food restaurant, unhealthy eating, and childhood obesity: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Obesity Reviews, 22(S1), e12944.
  • Kerridge, E. (2013). The agricultural revolution. Routledge.
  • Kozmana, K. (2021, Kasım 11). Milk simulacra. On cheese that does not exist. Medium. 96e09b5563f8
  • Llonch, L., Verdú, M., Martí, S., Medinyà, C., Riera, J., Cucurull, J., & Devant, M. (2023). Drinking water chlorination in dairy beef fattening bulls: Water quality, potential hazards, apparent total tract digestibility, and growth performance. Animal, 17(1), 100685.
  • Lockie, S., Lyons, K., Lawrence, G., & Mummery, K. (2002). Eating “Green”: Motivations behind organic food consumption in Australia. Sociologia Ruralis, 42(1), 23-40.
  • Lombardino, J. G. (2000). A brief history of Pfizer Central Research. Bull. Hist. Chem, 25(10).
  • Lutz, W., Butz, W. P., & Kc, S. (Ed.). (2017). World population & human capital in the twenty-first century: An overview. Oxford University Press.
  • Marketing Türkiye. (2021, Temmuz 27). Bu yıl TV reklamlarında en çok hangi ürünleri gördük?
  • Marx, K. (1887). Capital, a critique of political economy (C. 1). Progress Publisher.
  • Moore, J. W. (2010). The end of the road? Agricultural revolutions in the capitalist world‐ecology, 1450–2010. Journal of Agrarian Change, 10(3), 389-413. 0366.2010.00276.x
  • Nietzsche, F., Eyuboğlu, İ. Z., & Nietzsche, F. (2009). Putların alacakaranlığı ya da çekiçle felsefe yapmanın yolları (3. baskı). Say.
  • Nott, J. (2021). “No one may starve in the British Empire”: Kwashiorkor, protein and the politics of nutrition between Britain and Africa. Social History of Medicine, 34(2), 553-576.
  • Ogle, M. (2007). Ambitious brew: The story of American beer. Mariner Books.
  • Oksman, O. (2016, Kasım 28). How lobbyists made breakfast “the most important meal of the day”. The Guardian. kellog-food-lifestyle
  • Ortolá, R., Struijk, E. A., García-Esquinas, E., Rodríguez-Artalejo, F., & Lopez-Garcia, E. (2020). Changes in Dietary Intake of Animal and Vegetable Protein and Unhealthy Aging. The American Journal of Medicine, 133(2), 231-239.e7.
  • Orwell, G. (2021). 1984 (S. Cebeci, Çev.). Girdap.
  • Ostberg, J. (2003). Functional foods: A health simulacrum. Advances in Consumer Research, 30(1), 129-134.
  • Sahlins, M. (2015). Akrabalık nedir, ne değildir? (A. Pala, Çev.). Dipnot.
  • Selimoğlu, E., Bektaş, Y., Özkoçak, V., & Gültekin, T. (2018). Beslenme şeklinin zaman içindeki tarihsel yolculuğu. 390-398.
  • Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı. (2020). Türk gıda kodeksi yönetmeliği. Resmi gazete.
  • Thomi, R., & Bretcher, F. (2022, Aralık 22). Switzerland: Zurich Administrative Court deems animal designations in labelling of meat alternatives not misleading. Global Compliance News. consumer-goods-retail_1-switzerland-zurich-administrative-court-deems-use-of-animaldesignations- in-the-labelling-of-vegan-and-vegetarian-meat-alternatives-not/
  • Thompson, F. M. L. (1968). The second agricultural revolution, 1815-1880. The Economic History Review, 21(1), 62.
  • Tiffon, C. (2018). The Impact of Nutrition and Environmental Epigenetics on Human Health and Disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(11), 3425.
  • Veblen, T. B. (2015). Aylak sınıfın teorisi (E. Kırmızıaltın & H. Bilir, Çev.). Heretik.
  • Verjans-Janssen, S., Van Kann, D., Kremers, S., Vos, S., Jansen, M., & Gerards, S. (2019). A crosssectional study on the relationship between the family nutrition climate and children’s nutrition behavior. Nutrients, 11(10), 2344.
  • Viviani, D. (2015). Food, mass media and lifestyles. A hyperreal correlation. Italian Sociological Review, Vol 3, 165 Pages.
  • Wernicke, C., Pohrt, A., Pletsch-Borba, L., Apostolopoulou, K., Hornemann, S., Meyer, N., Machann, J., Gerbracht, C., Tacke, F., Pfeiffer, A. F., Spranger, J., & Mai, K. (2023). Effect of unsaturated fat and protein intake on liver fat in people at risk of unhealthy aging: 1-year results of a randomized controlled trial. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 117(4), 785-793.
  • Westra, L. (2020). Climate change and starvation: From apocalypse to integrity. Springer International Publishing.
  • Wilkins, J., & Nadeau, R. (Ed.). (2015). A companion to food in the ancient world (1. bs). Wiley.
  • Withisuphakorn, P., Batra, I., Parameswar, N., & Dhir, S. (2019). Sustainable development in practice: Case study of L’Oréal. Journal of Business & Retail Management Research, 13(Spacial Edition).
  • Zuelow, E. G. E. (2015). A history of modern tourism. Palgrave in the UK is an imprint of Macmillan Publishers Limited.

Simulacrum of Foods

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 123 - 137, 26.12.2023


The natural and real ones are no longer known because nature was severed. Baudrillard calls this "simulacra". This is what has happened to nutrition and food industries, especially in the second half of the 20th century; they have been closed into a simulacrum universe. In Baudrillard's words, they have become "a signifier without a sender". The commodity fetishism and alienation experienced with modernisation have permeated almost all human practices. The two things that accelerated this phenomenon were advertising, which entered the life cycle at the beginning of the 20th century, and computer technologies, which developed in the second half of the 20th century. The negative impacts on the soil and climate due to industrialization and the increase in the rate of urbanization has also been influential in the spread of simulacra foods. Although the "family", which is an ideological device
that preserves the static in many respects, constitutes a relative obstacle to this change in nutrition, the rise of the individual and his/her detachment from all chains, especially in the new economy regulated by neo-liberal policies, has also changed the structure of food consumption. In this study, simulacrum foods are discussed from the perspectives of the food industry, consumers, and food evolution.


  • Archer, E. (2018). In defense of sugar: A critique of diet-centrism. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, 61(1), 10-19.
  • Aydın, A. (2013). 7’den 70’e taş devri diyeti: Hastalıklara karşı korunma kalkanı. Hayykitap.
  • Baudrillard, J. (2005). Anahtar sözcükler (O. Adanır & L. Yıldırım, Çev.). Paragraf Yayınevi.
  • Baudrillard, J. (2008). Tüketim toplumu (H. Deliceçaylı & F. Keskin, Çev.; 6. basım). Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Baudrillard, J. (2011). Simulakrlar ve simulasyon (O. Adanır, Çev.; 4.basım). Doğu-Batı Yayınları.
  • Baudrillard, J. (2020). Nesneler sistemi. Doğu Batı.
  • Beck, U. (1992). Risk society: Towards a new modernity. Sage Publications.
  • Beck, U., Giddens, A., & Lash, S. (1994). Reflexive modernization: Politics, tradition and aesthetics in the modern social order. Stanford University Press.
  • Bonciu, E. (2022). Trends in the evolution of organic agriculture at the global level—A brief review.
  • Scientific Papers: Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture & Rural Development, 22(3), 81-86.
  • Brondoni, S. M. (2016). Global tourism management. Mass, experience and sensations tourism. Symphonya. Emerging Issues in Management, 1, 7-24.
  • Bui, H. (2019, Mayıs 8). The myth of breakfast – Baron News.
  • Bush, R. (2010). Food riots: Poverty, power and Protest. Journal of Agrarian Change, 10(1), 119-129.
  • Canan, S. (2022). İFA: İnsanın fabrika ayarları. Tuti Kitap.
  • Cappellini, B., & Parsons, E. (2012). Sharing the meal: Food consumption and family identity. Içinde R. W. Belk, S. Askegaard, & L. Scott (Ed.), Research in Consumer Behavior (C. 14, ss. 109- 128). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 2111(2012)0000014010
  • Carafoli, J. F. (2003). Tempting the palate: The food stylist’s art. Gastronomica, 3(2), 94-97.
  • Chossudovsky, M., & Marshall, A. G. (Ed.). (2010). The global economic crisis: The Great Depression of the XXI century (1st ed). Global Research Publ.
  • Çarpar, M. C. (2019). Vücut geliştitme ve erkeklik kimliği: Sosyolojik bir yaklaşım [Yüksek Lisans Tezi]. Anadolu Üniversitesi.
  • Davison, K., D’Andreamatteo, C., Markham, S., Holloway, C., Marshall, G., & Smye, V. (2019). Food security in the context of paternal incarceration: Family impact perspectives. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(5), 776.
  • Deleuze, G. (2023). İktidar: Foucault üzerine dersler (S. Özer & M. Çelik, Çev.). Otonom.
  • Dighikar, V., & Singh, S. (2021). Review on health impact of fast food on younger children. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 172-177.
  • Esteves, J. P. M. (2018). Pfizer & Wyeth: Acquiring to survive, rather than to grow. NOVA – School of Business and Economics.
  • Ettinger, J. (2022, Aralık 8). Swiss court sides with planted foods on use of “meaty” labeling terminology. Green Queen. terminology/
  • Faris, J. D. (2014). Wheat domestication: Key to agricultural revolutions past and future. Içinde R. Tuberosa, A. Graner, & E. Frison (Ed.), Genomics of Plant Genetic Resources (ss. 439-464). Springer Netherlands.
  • Fedrigo, O., Pfefferle, A. D., Babbitt, C. C., Haygood, R., Wall, C. E., & Wray, G. A. (2011). A potential role for glucose transporters in the evolution of human brain size. Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 78(4), 315-326.
  • Ferreira, H., Vasconcelos, M., Gil, A. M., & Pinto, E. (2021). Benefits of pulse consumption on metabolism and health: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 61(1), 85-96.
  • Fox Kales, E. (2003). Body double as body politic: Psychosocial myth and cultural binary in Fatal Attraction. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 84(6), 1631-1637.
  • Gandhi, M. (2023). Gandhi: Bir özyaşam öyküsü: Hakikatin peşinde başımdan geçenler (V. Günyol, Çev.). Simurg.
  • Garine, I. de, & Garine, V. de (Ed.). (2001). Drinking: Anthropological approaches. Berghahn Books.
  • Gürel, K. T. (2008, Eylül 5). Postmodern ahlak ve evlilik. Karaburun Bilim Kongresi.
  • Hall, S. M. (2011). Exploring the ‘ethical everyday’: An ethnography of the ethics of family consumption. Geoforum, 42(6), 627-637.
  • Hawkes, J. G., & Francisco-Ortega, J. (1993). The early history of the potato in Europe. Euphytica, 70(1-2), 1-7.
  • Hobbs, M., Green, M., Roberts, K., Griffiths, C., & McKenna, J. (2019). Reconsidering the relationship between fast-food outlets, area-level deprivation, diet quality and body mass index: An exploratory structural equation modelling approach. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 73(9), 861-866.
  • Hobsbawm, E. J. (2020). Kısa 20. Yüzyıl: 1914-1991 aşırılıklar çağı (Y. Alogan, Çev.). Everest.
  • Hürriyet. (2006a). Kolesterol düşürme iddiası yoğurt, süt ve margarine girdi | Genel Haberler. margarine-girdi_ID570821/
  • Hürriyet. (2006b, Ekim 27). ’Kolesterolü düşürür, kalbini düşün’ reklamına ’dur’ dediler | Genel Haberler | Bigpara. kolesterolu-dusurur-kalbini-dusun-reklamina-dur-dediler_ID581429/
  • Jia, P., Luo, M., Li, Y., Zheng, J., Xiao, Q., & Luo, J. (2021). Fast‐food restaurant, unhealthy eating, and childhood obesity: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Obesity Reviews, 22(S1), e12944.
  • Kerridge, E. (2013). The agricultural revolution. Routledge.
  • Kozmana, K. (2021, Kasım 11). Milk simulacra. On cheese that does not exist. Medium. 96e09b5563f8
  • Llonch, L., Verdú, M., Martí, S., Medinyà, C., Riera, J., Cucurull, J., & Devant, M. (2023). Drinking water chlorination in dairy beef fattening bulls: Water quality, potential hazards, apparent total tract digestibility, and growth performance. Animal, 17(1), 100685.
  • Lockie, S., Lyons, K., Lawrence, G., & Mummery, K. (2002). Eating “Green”: Motivations behind organic food consumption in Australia. Sociologia Ruralis, 42(1), 23-40.
  • Lombardino, J. G. (2000). A brief history of Pfizer Central Research. Bull. Hist. Chem, 25(10).
  • Lutz, W., Butz, W. P., & Kc, S. (Ed.). (2017). World population & human capital in the twenty-first century: An overview. Oxford University Press.
  • Marketing Türkiye. (2021, Temmuz 27). Bu yıl TV reklamlarında en çok hangi ürünleri gördük?
  • Marx, K. (1887). Capital, a critique of political economy (C. 1). Progress Publisher.
  • Moore, J. W. (2010). The end of the road? Agricultural revolutions in the capitalist world‐ecology, 1450–2010. Journal of Agrarian Change, 10(3), 389-413. 0366.2010.00276.x
  • Nietzsche, F., Eyuboğlu, İ. Z., & Nietzsche, F. (2009). Putların alacakaranlığı ya da çekiçle felsefe yapmanın yolları (3. baskı). Say.
  • Nott, J. (2021). “No one may starve in the British Empire”: Kwashiorkor, protein and the politics of nutrition between Britain and Africa. Social History of Medicine, 34(2), 553-576.
  • Ogle, M. (2007). Ambitious brew: The story of American beer. Mariner Books.
  • Oksman, O. (2016, Kasım 28). How lobbyists made breakfast “the most important meal of the day”. The Guardian. kellog-food-lifestyle
  • Ortolá, R., Struijk, E. A., García-Esquinas, E., Rodríguez-Artalejo, F., & Lopez-Garcia, E. (2020). Changes in Dietary Intake of Animal and Vegetable Protein and Unhealthy Aging. The American Journal of Medicine, 133(2), 231-239.e7.
  • Orwell, G. (2021). 1984 (S. Cebeci, Çev.). Girdap.
  • Ostberg, J. (2003). Functional foods: A health simulacrum. Advances in Consumer Research, 30(1), 129-134.
  • Sahlins, M. (2015). Akrabalık nedir, ne değildir? (A. Pala, Çev.). Dipnot.
  • Selimoğlu, E., Bektaş, Y., Özkoçak, V., & Gültekin, T. (2018). Beslenme şeklinin zaman içindeki tarihsel yolculuğu. 390-398.
  • Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı. (2020). Türk gıda kodeksi yönetmeliği. Resmi gazete.
  • Thomi, R., & Bretcher, F. (2022, Aralık 22). Switzerland: Zurich Administrative Court deems animal designations in labelling of meat alternatives not misleading. Global Compliance News. consumer-goods-retail_1-switzerland-zurich-administrative-court-deems-use-of-animaldesignations- in-the-labelling-of-vegan-and-vegetarian-meat-alternatives-not/
  • Thompson, F. M. L. (1968). The second agricultural revolution, 1815-1880. The Economic History Review, 21(1), 62.
  • Tiffon, C. (2018). The Impact of Nutrition and Environmental Epigenetics on Human Health and Disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(11), 3425.
  • Veblen, T. B. (2015). Aylak sınıfın teorisi (E. Kırmızıaltın & H. Bilir, Çev.). Heretik.
  • Verjans-Janssen, S., Van Kann, D., Kremers, S., Vos, S., Jansen, M., & Gerards, S. (2019). A crosssectional study on the relationship between the family nutrition climate and children’s nutrition behavior. Nutrients, 11(10), 2344.
  • Viviani, D. (2015). Food, mass media and lifestyles. A hyperreal correlation. Italian Sociological Review, Vol 3, 165 Pages.
  • Wernicke, C., Pohrt, A., Pletsch-Borba, L., Apostolopoulou, K., Hornemann, S., Meyer, N., Machann, J., Gerbracht, C., Tacke, F., Pfeiffer, A. F., Spranger, J., & Mai, K. (2023). Effect of unsaturated fat and protein intake on liver fat in people at risk of unhealthy aging: 1-year results of a randomized controlled trial. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 117(4), 785-793.
  • Westra, L. (2020). Climate change and starvation: From apocalypse to integrity. Springer International Publishing.
  • Wilkins, J., & Nadeau, R. (Ed.). (2015). A companion to food in the ancient world (1. bs). Wiley.
  • Withisuphakorn, P., Batra, I., Parameswar, N., & Dhir, S. (2019). Sustainable development in practice: Case study of L’Oréal. Journal of Business & Retail Management Research, 13(Spacial Edition).
  • Zuelow, E. G. E. (2015). A history of modern tourism. Palgrave in the UK is an imprint of Macmillan Publishers Limited.
Toplam 67 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İletişim Çalışmaları
Bölüm Derleme

Kazım Tolga Gürel 0000-0002-1893-8887

Burçe Akcan 0000-0003-0907-8229

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Haziran 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Gürel, K. T., & Akcan, B. (2023). Simulakr Besinler. SDÜ İFADE, 5(2), 123-137.